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Galleria d'Arte Moderna Carlo Rizzarda


Interno Galleria Rizzarda
Galleria d'Arte Moderna Carlo Rizzarda, via Paradiso 8 - 32032 Feltre (BL) IT (0039) 0439 885234

The Gallery of Modern Art is a unique European museum with a permanent exhibition of wrought ironwork by Carlo Rizzarda and also the collection of paintings, sculptures, decorative works of art, furniture and Chinoiserie that Rizzarda had acquired to furnish his home in Milan. Moreover, thanks to the testamentary legacy of Carlo Rizzarda, master blacksmith, the gallery exhibits exquisite artwork that transports the visitor into the artistic reality of the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The artists, Fattori, Signorini, Schiele, Wildt, Casorati, Messina, and Andreotti, stand out.

The legacy of the journalist and art expert Liana Bortolon enriches the collection, with a special section dedicated to her. Here one finds remarkable works that complete the panoramic overview of art to the present day. Highlights are works by Chagall, Picasso, Sironi, Campigli, Severini, and Conti.

Completing the collection is the bequest of Franzola-Nasci, over 800 artworks of murano glass.

There is also a section dedicated to 20th Century artist from Feltre, the most famous of whom is Tancredi.

Interno Galleria Rizzarda


Closed December 25th and January 1st

In summer the times can change

1 Oktober 2023 - 1 Juni 2024: dienstag, Mittwoch, donnerstag, Freitag, samstag, sonntag von 10:30 bis 13:00

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