The province of Belluno is dotted with religious buildings that are interesting for their spiritual and architectural aspects and for the treasures they hold. You will see imposing and majestic churches such as the Sanctuary of Saints Victor and Corona in Feltre, the Church of Saints Phillip and James in Cortina, the Archpretale Church of Santa Maria Annunziata in Mel, the Church of Santa Maria Nascente in Agordo, the Church of San Floriano in Pieve di Zoldo, and the Cathedral of Belluno. But you will also be amazed by the many little churches in the foothills, often of ancient origin and with a characteristic alpine appearance, such as the Chapel of Sant’Orsola in Vigo di Cadore, the Church of San Simon in Vallada Agordina and the Church of Sant’Anna in Zoppè di Cadore.
Every hamlet, every village and every town will have something to tell you through its religious buildings. There are many renowned artists and craftsmen, not only from Belluno, who have contributed their works to make Belluno’s little churches precious. Titian Vecellio and his workshop (the house where he was born is in Pieve di Cadore), Andrea Brustolon, the “Michelangelo of wood”, Sebastiano Ricci, Filippo Juvarra are some of the best-known artists traces of whose work can be found along the way.
Also, discover works more related to popular devotion such as oratories, tabernacles, capitals and votive offerings that tell of pardons obtained and lives saved of the people who once inhabited the valleys, mountains and towns of the Belluno area. Opening the doors of sanctuaries, churches and chapels will open unexpected and surprising treasures to you.

Art treasures in churches
Religious buildings, in hamlets as well as in cities, reveal unexpected and surprising treasures.
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