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00 - Nordik Walking Park Agordino

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe
Valle di San Lucano Taibon Conca Agordina Dolomiti
00 - Nordik Walking Park Agordino, 32027 Taibon Agordino IT


San Lucano Valley, a glacial valley, extends for 6 kilometers up to the upland of Pale di S. Martino.On either side, the vertical walls of rocks have dizzyng heights and culminate with nord traces of rock of Agner mountain, the higest in the Dolomites, which rises very elegantly for over 1600 meters. The valley - already identified among those of greatest value in the dolomitic area - is a natural oasis that offers a lot of and suggestive landscape, naturalistic and geological evidences of great effect; an added value is the variety of natural enviroments, they aren't touched by the action of human and where are abundance of spring waters called Pont and Inferno waterfalls. The valley has the same name of  Holy Bishop Lucano who, according to the legend, lived as a hermit in a remote cave still accessible called the "Cól de San Lugan".

Il Nordik Walking Park Agordino offre 3 itinerari:

- Percorso lungo "El giro de Agort e Taibon" 10 Km

- Percorso medio "El giro del le Peschiere" 6 Km

- Percorso breve "El giro de Val" 3 Km

Valle di San Lucano Taibon Conca Agordina Dolomiti
Casera Campigat Valle di San Lucano Dolomiti

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