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Folklor jalpé de la Marmolèda

Arabba Marmolada 17. Mai 2024 00:00

Arabba Marmolada
Gruppo Folk
Gruppo Folk e Pomepieri

The program of the three-day celebration on the occasion of the Folklor Jalpé de la Marmolèda 2.0 is truly rich! Lots of music, lots of fun and the chance to taste the typical specialties of the valley under the heated tent in Boscoverde, a hamlet of Rocca Pietore.

The celebrations begin on Friday 17 May with the kitchen opening from 7pm and live music with Guglielmo and the Bronze Scuerte Gangband, followed by DJ Guglielmo.

Opening of the "Marmolada Trophy" tent and football tournament on Saturday 18 May from 3pm. Live music from 6pm with Die VolksPartie and kitchen opening from 7pm. Music from midnight with DJ Luca.

The grand finale will be on Sunday 19 May with a calendar full of events that will take place throughout the day. At 11.15am Holy Mass in memory of the dancers Francesca, Francesco and Luca. The kitchen will also be open at midday after the Holy Mass and we will be accompanied by the music of Die Durstigen, from 2.30 pm there will be a parade and performances by groups from the nearby valleys, who will cheer up all those present with traditional dances and clothes, joy and good music. From 6pm we continue with live music with KoaQuintett and traditional food.


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