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Lago del Corlo


Lago del Corlo
Lago del Corlo

Lake Corlo is included in the municipality of Arsiè, in the province of Belluno, Feltrino, built in 1954 with the construction of a dam along the Cismon stream. It is named after the Corlo, a small village located near the barrier. The reservoir is elongated and begins downstream of Giaroni di Fonzaso, but the water level is very variable; after the village of Rocca, which rises along the right bank, it narrows further, so much so that it is crossed by two bridges.

Lake Arsiè also has two campsites and a refreshment point.

•Area 2.45 km²

•Catchment area 628 km²

•Altitude at maximum regulation 268 m s.l.m.

•Altitude at maximum invaded 268 m s.l.m.

•Maximum height of the catchment 3184 m s.l.m.

•Maximum depth 68 m

•Volume 48.8 million m³

Lago del Corlo

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